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Building YOUR website to be what YOU want it to be!
Welcome to the next generation USS Shields DD-596 website! Pardon our dust as we build the site, but we wanted you to see and participate in its design and construction. You walked the gray steel decks of Shields and can best tell its story…your story…of what it was like. Tell the story for your shipmates, for your family, for history!
Click the button below to send us your message, we are listening 24/7 for your ideas!
Quick Links to Important Places
I moved, how can I tell Jim where I am?
Jim Durough has kept track of our shipmates for many decades. You can easily let him know the details of your move by clicking here.
A shipmate has passed, who do I tell?
A shipmate’s passing does not go unnoticed among his shipmates. Please click here, let us know, and we will pass the word.
Can you help me find a shipmate?
First, go to the menu option “The Crew” and then “Find a Shipmate”. Start by entering the first part of their last name and see if they come up on the list on names starting with what you entered. If they are “Not Found” then we don’t know anything about their current status. If they are “Found” you can click on the email link and as Jim to help you. If they are “Deceased” we may not know more than that.
I know of a shipmate you have as "Not Found"
Please use the Info Update form under “Come Aboard” and let Jim know what you know. He will then follow through to update our records.
How do I get Shields cap?
Shield’s Ball Cap item #1036. The cap can be ordered by sending a note requesting a cap and your check for $19.00 ($15.00 for the cap and $4.00 S&H) made payable to USS Shields DD-596 Reunion Association to Chet Swart, Secretary, whose address is: USS SHIELDS DD-596 ALL ERAS REUNION ASSOCIATION, C/O CHET SWART (SECRETARY), PO BOX 1227 FULLERTON CA 92836-8227.